AP News : Last ditch effort to avoid fiscal cliff under way
They did it to gain political edge. Playing with fire...
This will chronicle trading in the FKLI & FCPO futures. If you don't like what you see/read in this blog, just surf away. These opinions are our personal opinions and just a record of our thoughts..."In evolution, it’s not the biggest, the fiercest nor the smartest that survive, it’s the one that changes the fastest.” I.e. the key word is to adapt the trading style to the markets, until it stops working
They did it to gain political edge. Playing with fire...
Proves one thing. Politicians cannot be trusted to do the right things...
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Not a peep out of the bears today, on the 'high inventory stocks of cpo...' Bulls looking for a 'reason' why prices are up.
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Exchanges, the market and the brokerage industry is set up to create the impression that easy money can be made in the markets, but as Jesse Livermore says, "People who look for easy money invariably pay for the privelege of proving conclusively that it cannot be done on this… earth."
Now all the experts are finding holes to hide their "bearish outlook on high inventory stocks data" predictions.
And just a few days ago I heard one big trader exalt..."zero export tax? Must be cannot sell the cpo with no buyers..."
Labels: music
What a load of rubbish. If the Mayan were so advanced, their civilisation would not collapse... If you believe in this moment of apocalypse can be pinpointed, you would be taken in to ponzi schemes. The operative word is GULLIBLE.
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Analyse your markets and lay out your strategy and tactical moves in advance, and in privacy. Don't ask anyone's advice, and that includes' brokerage advisories, tips and even well-intentioned market gossip. And, don't offer your advice to anyone else. You shouldn't care if Shearson is buying ABC or if Salomon is selling XYZ. You should stick to your objective analysis and market projection based on whichever method or technique has proven viable for you; and you should revise that strategy only on the basis of pragmatic and objective technical evidence. Such evidence could be a signal from your chart analysis, your computer system or from the margin department, which reminds you that your position has moved adversely and that your
Volume today on dec is 2279 contracts. When the playing field is not level, with the game skewed towards the algos and volume traders, the rest naturally pare back or just shun the contract... "When the path you take leads back to yourself, you haven't got anywhere.."Grand Master Oogway.
Analyse your markets and lay out your strategy and tactical moves in advance, and in privacy. Don't ask anyone's advice, and that includes' brokerage advisories, tips and even well-intentioned market gossip. And, don't offer your advice to anyone else. You shouldn't care if Shearson is buying ABC or if Salomon is selling XYZ. You should stick to your objective analysis and market projection based on whichever method or technique has proven viable for you; and you should revise that strategy only on the basis of pragmatic and objective technical evidence. Such evidence could be a signal from your chart analysis, your computer system or from the margin department, which reminds you that your position has moved adversely and that your
Labels: music
Labels: music
When these sort of sensationalist headlines come out.... it might be that the rally might soon peter out.
They finally come to their senses to reduce the margin requirements.
60 m fkli futures.
Australian Open champion again 30 years after winning the first in 1989
What an idiot? Just vote this guy out next elections...