20061229 Back online, with internet improving after the frustrations of the slow speeds caused by submarine cable damage caused by the Taiwan earthquake. On this last trading day, it is a time to reflect on a good year that has gone before. Chart 1 shows the KLCI..... what can we say but "Wow, proved all the critics of Bursamalaysia as a dog of a market wrong". The summary statistics from an article in www.bernama.com, speaks volumes about the pickup in volume and liquidity, to serve as a springboard forward in 2007. As for stock picking, chart 3 shows the 'no brainer' trade, BURSA, which shows players' anticipation of future market activiey. What about opportunity in 2007? Well since many of the brokers/investment bank stocks have followed BURSA up, there are still laggards like AIGB, which made EPS of 19 sen in the previous 4 quarters, yet lags the market. Maybe one to consider for the 'no brainer' stock trade for 2007.